Website in a Day

Are you ready for a new website? Let’s make it happen!

Pick a day, fill out your client homework, and get ready to launch. This is perfect for people or companies who have all of their content together and know what they want.

This package is for you if:

  • you already have all of your content ready, or want to prepare it yourself with a set of prompts and guidelines, or would like to use the content from your current website

  • you have a logo and brand (or you are happy to let me design a text-only logo, pick your fonts and colors based on a questionnaire, with no revisions)

  • have an idea of what you want

  • are looking for a budget-friendly, professional website

  • you are ready to make decisions quickly, and can assign a single decision-maker to the project

  • you need under 10 pages, which can include menus, an event calendar, products or a portfolio

  • it’s great for special events, announcements, launches and seasonal offerings


At the end of the day, you’ll have

A beautiful, mobile-ready website that promotes your business and expresses your brand personality

A blog ready for your content, menu pages or event calendars as needed

Basic search engine optimization (SEO)

An hour of direct support the week after launch, either for training, answering questions or making changes to your website

Four Easy Steps To Your New Website
(and only one is homework)

Step One: Schedule

Email Bemboom Design to chat about your project and get on the schedule.

Pick a day where you can be available to return feedback or answer questions within 30 minutes. Be sure you can have all of your content ready by the deadline

Step Two: Homework

We’ll send you a questionnaire for an overall idea of what you want.

Once completed, we’ll send you a document, tailored to your website’s future structure, to fill in with all of your written content, and a link to upload your images and graphic elements. (This will be due a few days before the build day, so we can double check that everything is ready to go.)

Step Three: The big day

Game on! You will be our only client for the day, and you’ll have our undivided attention. We will start creating your website at the scheduled time in the morning, and you’ll provide speedy feedback to keep the process moving along. We’ll use Squarespace as a platform because it will be fast to build your website and easy for you to update and manage on your own.

Step Four: Launch and Celebrate

Once the website is complete, we will set up your new URL or connect your existing URL from your current provider. (Domain transfer service is also available upon inquiry.)

In the week following the launch, we’ll provide an hour of training on how to use your new website, to answer questions, or for any updating or technical support you need.

Welcome to your new website!

TOtal Investment: $1250*

*Website hosting through Squarespace is $144-$216 per year, with an exclusive discount for the first year

Let’s get started!

Send us an email at