Finding The Text

After receiving so many all-image emails, I was left to wonder: is there text arriving with these emails that I’m not aware of?

I wanted to be absolutely sure that I couldn’t receive the plain text version of an email in Gmail and Apple Mail, so I created an experiment.

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Can We Talk About This Podcast?

I love podcasts and radio programs. I’ve listened to quite a few in their entirety, and while they’re not all directly related to design, I think the more the merrier when it comes to new thoughts and stories, especially for fueling problem-solving, design-thinking and creativity. So, can we talk about this podcast? Because all my friends are tired of hearing about it…

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Let's Get Quiet

Once a week I try to take an evening to enjoy the relative silence and the sounds around me, even though I am a music lover, and also that person who says things like “I was listening to an episode of This American Life from 1999 and…” at parties.

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