Let's Get Quiet

Once a week I try to take an evening to enjoy the relative silence and sounds around me, even though I am a music lover and a podcast lover. I usually listen to podcasts/radio programs during pretty much any time that allows it, and I’m that person who says things like “I was listening to an episode of This American Life from 1999 and…” at parties.

I find this quiet time is one of the most creative parts of my week. (I even stepped away from quietly chopping broccoli to write this post.) I love to take in information, and hear people’s stories, and experience their art and work. I’m a sponge. But a quiet evening is a time to hear myself, and after absorbing all I can about the world around me, this time is frequently when all the inspiration comes together and I have some new ideas. (Sometimes nothing comes up, but it’s still a very refreshing practice.)

I know a whole evening is not always possible, and for some of us, maybe never possible… But maybe it could be a walk or jog without headphones, a shower (with a waterproof notebook for jotting down ideas), or your commute (with a voice memo at the ready to record, if you’re behind the wheel.)

Is this another one of the reasons that Shower Moments happen? Makes sense to me.

Try it out! Everyone can use this to explore their creativity. Even before I started any kind of formal design, my best ideas for papers or projects in my undergrad studies came from my jogs along West Cliff in Santa Cruz. (Though, I suppose the pounding surf and sweeping views of the bay and ocean couldn’t hurt…)

Come up with anything new?

Let’s get quiet, by Nicole Bemboom